Monica Monahan has worked as a Youth Counselor at A Kid’s Place for eight years and has been a great asset to our program. She is naturally nurturing, hard working, and goes above an beyond to make sure our children are healthy, happy, and safe. We recently sat down with Monica for a Take 5 interview, take some time to read more about this months employee spotlight.
If you could learn to do anything, what would it be? Sky dive, I’m afraid of heights but it’s something I’ve always wanted to do to overcome my fears.
If you could meet anyone, living or dead, who would you meet? My mom, I would want to see her again
What three traits define you? Honesty, Integrity, Hard Working What is your favorite thing about A Kid’s Place? The Children, working with them, being a part of their lives, and making a difference. Who inspires you? My daughter Ashley. She has overcome so much and continues to reach her goals despite hardships.
What’s your favorite movie? Dirty Dancing
What’s the best meal you’ve ever had? Steak and Lobster
What is a secret talent no one knows you have? Dancing
Favorite childhood memory? Traveling to visit my grandparents in Florida from Michigan and spending time with them. If you could visit anywhere in the world, where would you go? Spain First Concert? Bon Jovi What is your favorite family tradition? On Christmas Eve we have family dinner and open one gift. Words of advice? I would tell our children, keep your chin up, always know that you are special, pursue your dreams, and never let anyone take your dreams away from you.
Monica. I am so proud of you.
You deserve this Honor.
Faithful Servant. A kids Place is a Blessing and Blessed to have you.
Monica, I always thought you were one of the best .,congrats Norm