“Guess what? I got a JOB and I work with them!” 9 year old Angel excitedly explained to everyone in sight as she made her way home to Curry House.
Angel was determined to get a job like the teens who work on campus; although underage for the teen program she wanted to prove that she had what it takes to join the Development Team. And she did just that!
She followed instructions well and completed each task given to her with ease. Angel has since reported to work on time and dressed to impress. From writing out thank you cards, organizing and cleaning, she has done an amazing job.
The AKP teen jobs are an extension of our Independent Living Program to prepare our 13 -15 year old’s with the skills needed to obtain a job. With emphasis on how to write a resume, how to complete a job application, and how to prepare for an interview.
We are proud of all of our kids who have taken the necessary steps to bettering their futures and our little Angel, who persevered to get what she wanted and became A Kid’s Place youngest employee.
Great job!!! I’m impressed!