Do you remember your 18th birthday? For many, turning 18 is a mix of excitement, freedom, and maybe a touch of nervousness as they enter into their new-found adulthood. They may have a party, enjoy finishing up their senior year of High School, or getting ready to leave home and finally move out on their own. But for children in foster care, their big birthday often comes with a less exciting outcome…
Once a child turns 18, they are considered to be “aged-out” of the foster care system. What happens next for them isn’t always so hopeful and clear. That’s why A Kid’s Place is proud to offer our unique Extended Foster Care services for our youth 18-22. With our Extended Foster Care program, our kids have a safe place to live and all of the resources we have to offer while they are working or in school. While this program was originally developed in 2020 for our young women, we are proud to be making the finishing touches on our additional home for our young men.
After a lengthy waiting process to purchase the property, and lots of help from our community and volunteers, our first young man, Jason, age 18, will be receiving the key to his newly renovated home next week. In the coming months, he will be joined in the 4-bedroom, 2 bath home by our additional boys turning 18 here at A Kid’s Place. We are so proud to give our boys a space to become the productive, successful young men we know they will be!