A teenager’s first job is often times a pivotal point in possibly shaping their future career path. And for Jeremy, age 17 his on-campus job working with Mr. Evan, our Maintenance Manager is just that. Jeremy has been spending a lot of the summer working with Mr. Evan on a variety of projects. Read on to learn more about what Jeremy’s favorite part of the job is and what his future plans are in our latest Take 5!

  1. What skills or lessons have you learned that you didn’t expect to learn from this job?

Plumbing, Electric – how to re-wire things, change an outlet, and a ceiling fan (A LOT of different stuff)

  1. What’s your favorite part about working with Evan?

It’s fun!

  1. Do you think this is what you want to do long term, if not what would be your dream job?

I’d want to do this kind of work forever, kind of an all-around (maintenance) guy, just like Mr. Evan

  1. Best part of Summer so far?

Working with Mr. Evan

  1. What you’re looking forward to next year?

Getting my GED

  1. What do you like to do for fun?

Play basketball and work out, sometimes video games

  1. What is the first thing you bought with your money?

I got some fishing stuff, but I just want to keep saving it!

“Evan is a really good boss and he treats me well. He gets me something to drink when I’m thirsty and asks if I’m tired.” -Jeremy, age 17

One comment on “Take 5 with Jeremy

  1. Rhonda Hartzer on

    I think what you are doing is great, Jeremy! Keep up the good work. And be sure to get your GED also. That will help you to continue to grow and have more opportunities. Way to go!


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